Advanced DOS Quiz 도스 게임

추억의 도스 게임 Advanced DOS Quiz 하기.

Advanced DOS Quiz

아래의 게임하기 버튼을 누르시면 설치 없이 바로 게임을 즐기실 수 있습니다.

Advanced DOS Quiz 게임 설명

Advanced DOS Quiz, the successor of DOS Quiz is a game that tests your knowledge of DOS commands. It is also suitable for companies who want to test their employees although the author suggests that it is too advanced for a normal office environment. The quiz itself consists of a normal DOS environment and an info screen which tells you what to do. You answer a question by typing the right command. If you don’t know, you can simply skip to the next exercise. After finishing all 20 questions your success rate is shown and you can play the same questions again. There are no more than 20 questions. The correct answers to each exercise are listed in the readme file.

Advanced DOS Quiz 게임 정보


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