Discovery – In the Steps of Columbus 도스 게임

추억의 도스 게임 Discovery – In the Steps of Columbus 하기.

Discovery - In the Steps of Columbus

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Discovery – In the Steps of Columbus 게임 설명

Discovery: In the Steps of Columbus is a real-time strategy game of conquest and exploration. The player assumes the role of a “conquistador” as he sends his fleet of settlers to different locations on any of the 6 available new worlds. Depending on the resources they find, they’ll start developing advanced settlements and cities, which can be used to start trading efforts between the fatherland and the new empire. There are five other nations with their own colonies in each area though, so competition is fierce enough to require the game to feature a combat module. This also comes into play when negotiations with the natives fail, and on sea, when facing pirates or enemy warships. The game features a comprehensive mouse-driven interface, as well as a choice of starting fatherland.

Discovery – In the Steps of Columbus 게임 정보


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