Hotshot 도스 게임

추억의 도스 게임 Hotshot 하기.


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Hotshot 게임 설명

A simple two-player game released to much marketing fanfare, Hotshot places you and another player (either another person or an AI robot) in an arena split down the middle into two save for a hole about half the screen’s height for the ball to travel through, with a series of bricks on each side to destroy. The aim of the game is to destroy your own bricks before your opponent can destroy his. This is achieved by catching the small by pointing your suction device at it and holding fire, and then releasing in the needed by letting go of the button. This is easier said than done, as the ball neither moves in a straight line or according to the natural rules of.gravity. Should either player be hit with the ball and not catch it properly, they will be knocked down and possession of the ball is passed to the other player.

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