Patton vs. Rommel 도스 게임

추억의 도스 게임 Patton vs. Rommel 하기.

Patton vs. Rommel

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Patton vs. Rommel 게임 설명

A turn-based war game set in World War II that simulates a what-if battle between General Patton and Field Marshal Rommel for control of Normandy, hence the name. As the war is fought you get points, and the objective, of course is to gather as much points as possible (positive points if you’re Allied, negative if you’re Axis). Although it’s strategical simulation is rather simplistic, taking a more entertaining approach, it has many features, available options and a lot of feedback from the computer (including tips from the computerized Patton’s and Rommel’s). The game had a feature very similar to today’s well-known Fog-of-War, though it’s functionality was not as smooth as it is today. The warzone is divided into Zones of Control, with it’s units and actions invisible to the adversary until he attempts to move through it and fight for it.

Patton vs. Rommel 게임 정보


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